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Complaints Procedure

At the Centre For Mental Wellness, we strive to provide a high standard of service. However, we understand that there may be instances where you may have concerns or complaints. We take all feedback seriously and aim to resolve any issues promptly and fairly. This complaints procedure outlines the steps to follow when raising a complaint:
1. Initial Discussion with Therapist
a. If you have a complaint or concern, we encourage you to first raise it with your assigned therapist. It is often beneficial to discuss the issue directly with them to address any misunderstandings or resolve the matter informally.
b. Your therapist will listen attentively, take your concerns seriously, and work with you to find a resolution that meets your needs. They will make every effort to address your complaint promptly and to your satisfaction.
2. Escalation to Manager
a. If your complaint remains unresolved after discussing it with your therapist, or if you prefer not to discuss the issue with them directly, you may escalate your complaint to the Centre For Mental Wellness Manager.
b. To escalate your complaint, please send a written summary of your concern, including relevant details, to the Centre For Mental Wellness Manager using the contact information provided below. This will ensure that your complaint is properly documented and can be addressed appropriately.
c. The Centre For Mental Wellness Manager will review your complaint thoroughly, ensuring confidentiality and impartiality. They will investigate the matter further and aim to provide you with a response within a reasonable timeframe.
3. Response and Resolution
a. Upon receipt of your complaint, the Centre For Mental Wellness Manager will acknowledge its receipt within a specified period. They will keep you informed of the progress and provide updates as necessary.
b. The Manager will conduct a thorough review, gathering any additional information or insights required to reach a fair resolution. They may contact you for further details or clarification during the investigation process.
c. Once the investigation is complete, the Manager will communicate their findings to you. If appropriate, they will outline any remedial actions that will be taken to address your concerns and provide a resolution.
4. External Bodies
a. If, after following the Centre For Mental Wellness complaints procedure, you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may have the option to escalate your complaint to relevant external bodies, such as professional regulatory organizations or ombudsman services. The Centre For Mental Wellness can provide you with information on relevant bodies if required.
5. Feedback and Continuous Improvement
a. We value your feedback and are committed to continuously improving our services. Your complaint provides us with an opportunity to learn and enhance our practices. We may take steps to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future based on your feedback.
b. We encourage you to provide any suggestions or recommendations that could help us improve our services, even if your complaint has been resolved satisfactorily.
Centre For Mental Wellness Manager Contact Information:
Name: Sally Wood
Please note that this complaints procedure should be read in conjunction with the Booking Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the Centre For Mental Wellness.
We appreciate your feedback and are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and professionally.

Effective Date: July 12th, 2023